What are the topics which i would get to learn in advanced J

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What are the topics which i would get to learn in advanced J

10 Aug 2024, 09:32

An advanced Java course typically delves into more specialized and complex areas of the Java programming language and its ecosystem. Here are some topics you might encounter:

Advanced Java I/O and NIO:

Deep dive into Java's Input/Output (I/O) mechanisms, including file handling, streams, and serialization.
Introduction to New I/O (NIO) for non-blocking I/O operations, channels, selectors, and buffers.
Multithreading and Concurrency:
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Advanced concepts in multithreading, thread pools, concurrency frameworks, and managing synchronization and thread safety.
Understanding of Java’s java.util.concurrent package, including executors, concurrent collections, and atomic variables.

Advanced networking concepts, including socket programming, HTTP client-server interactions, and protocols.
Building scalable networked applications.
Java Reflection and Annotations:

Deep understanding of Java reflection for dynamic code analysis and manipulation.
Creating and using custom annotations, and understanding their use in frameworks.
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Internals:

Insight into the JVM architecture, including the execution engine, garbage collection, and performance tuning.
Understanding class loading, memory management, and the Java memory model.
Enterprise Java:

Detailed exploration of Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) or Jakarta EE, covering components like Servlets, JSPs, JSFs, and Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs).
Working with Java Persistence API (JPA) for object-relational mapping and database interactions.
Web Services and APIs:

Building RESTful and SOAP-based web services.
Using frameworks like JAX-RS and JAX-WS, and understanding concepts like JSON, XML, and REST API design principles.
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Microservices Architecture:

Principles and practices for developing microservices in Java, using frameworks like Spring Boot, MicroProfile, or Dropwizard.
Topics like service discovery, configuration management, and inter-service communication.

Security best practices in Java applications, including secure coding, data encryption, authentication, and authorization.
Understanding of Java Security Manager, Java Cryptography Extension (JCE), and secure communication protocols.
Testing and DevOps:

Advanced testing techniques, including unit testing, integration testing, and using frameworks like JUnit and Mockito.
Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) practices, build tools like Maven or Gradle, and containerization with Docker.
Performance Tuning and Optimization:

Techniques for profiling and optimizing Java applications, including identifying and addressing performance bottlenecks.
Tools like Java Flight Recorder, VisualVM, and JProfiler.
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Registriert: 03 Aug 2024, 11:32

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